Book Now Name *Email Address *Phone *Street Address *Address of Event - We cannot deliver to locations requiring stairs due to the weight of the machines. Small steps are okay. If you are unsure, please notate in the comments section below and we will confirm with you.City *State/Province *ZIP / Postal Code *Date First Needed *Estimated Number of Guest *Number of Days Requested *Single Day Rental2 Day Rental3 Day Rental4 Day Rental5 Day RentalMachine Requested *Stainless Single Flavor - $185 (Can be used outdoors year-round. Includes one mix)Stainless Dual Flavor - $240 (Can be used outdoors year-round. Includes two mixes)Plastic Dual Flavor - $185 (Great for indoor parties. Includes one mix. Cannot be used outdoors June through September)Flavor *Blue HawaiianBushwacker + $5CherryColaFroséFrozen LemonadeGrapeLime MargaritaLouisiana HurricaneMango DaiquiriOrangeOrange DreamsiclePeach BelliniPeach DaiquiriPina ColadaStrawberry DaiquiriStrawberry LemonadeStrawberry MargaritaWatermelonOther (Please describe in comments section)Note: Number of flavors is limited to which unit rented and how long the rental is for.Flavor Additions (Pair with Lime Margarita)Strawberry - $11Peach - $11Watermelon - $11Mango - $11Comments0 / 250Send Message